Home Entertainment 7 Annoying Double Standards Kenyans Enforce

7 Annoying Double Standards Kenyans Enforce

by kenya-tribune

Kenyans are known to hold onto some of the most annoying stereotypes and double standards I have ever encountered. I am saying this as a casual observer but one that has encountered these double standards with a degree of bemusement.

Why is it that men believe women aren’t allowed to do somethings and vice versa? Perhaps this stems from our backgrounds that are steeply heaped in culture and traditions. Or perhaps these double standards only apply because it is men’s way of staying in control of women (something I find completely preposterous)

But whatever the case may be, I have compiled some of the more glaring ones that should really strike true when you read them. Enjoy:

#1. Women demanding wifely privileges yet refuse to give you husband privileges

In relationships, women expect, nay, demand favours of their men that most men consider “wifely” favours. Things such as helping her pay her rent, giving her money with which to go to the salon etc However, the minute a man asks her to reciprocate, say, cook him dinner, world war lipstick led by the feminazi brigade ensues!

uhuru-kenyatta-kenya-1159866-jpg_1031809 lol


#2. Men can have sex with multiple partners but the moment a woman does the same…

girls be like lol

Slut shaming is the biggest threat to casual sex since the Vatican! Why men feel the urge or see the need to humiliate and name call women who are generous with entrance into the garden of Eden are regarded very lowly. Something I have never understood given that Kenyan men then go crying that our women never put out.


#3. Guys are often frozen at clubs and bars while young lasses are allowed in

i need a hug lol

This one came from the youngest member of the team. He dragged it from a very dark place given the emotion that went into the statement.
Men as old as 24 always get frozen from accessing clubs but girls as young as 18 will be allowed in. This is a truly sad state of affairs in his eyes as the lasses do not even go to spend money at the club. Instead, they go to look for men to buy their drinks.


#4. We find it funny when a woman abuses her lover physically but the inverse is a national pandemic

man assaulting woman lol

When Nyeri women begun abusing their lovers physically, the entire nation was caught up in a fit of laughter. Kikuyu men became the butt of all the jokes. But were the reverse situation the case, FIDA would be up in arms. Where are the feminazis? Why is everyone silent on this matter?
Why is it funny?

#5. Women making the first move are considered desperate

Something else that i do not understand. According to the lads on the team, a woman being the one who made the first move is creepy. Kenyan men begin wondering just what she’s upto. Could she be looking to harvest our organs or is she the bait that has been sent by a gang of thieves?


#6. A man’s money is the couple’s money but the woman’s money is hers

Rick-Ross-Throwing-Money lol

This one is a pet peeve of mine. I fail to understand just how a man, any man woul tolerate this nonsense or how women would espouse it. Kenyan women believe the man is a cash cow sent by God to be milked fry before hoping onto the next one. Listen in on Maina Kageni’s show on any given day, the amount of times this nonsense is debated is staggering!

#7. Women are allowed to hang out with their male friends but the opposite causes problems


I have girlfriends and I have my women. My women always side eye me when they see me getting cosy with a female colleague. Even the most unattractive colleagues elicit the fiercest jealousy from my two women. Bah!
Yet women are fond of telling you they were hanging out with their male friends. I do not get this one. I know what he wants from you because more often than not I have been that bestfriend!


#8. Female owned cars are believed to be better than male owned cars

women checking out their car

When it comes to taking care of vehicles, women are just terrible! They have nary a clue as to what’s happening. Women aren’t usually keen on checking their cars and finding out whether the oil levels are in order. Yet on OLX everyone posts that their car is previously femaled owned like that is meant to soothe my giblet!


#9. In a relationship, a woman can be unemployed without drama but when the man is unemployed…

fuck_off_jack_nicholson lol

Most of the women who call up Maina are usually livid that their men are finding it hard to find a job or just want to be housebands. Inversely, when women announce that they want to be housewives, it doesn’t become an issue of national import!

Have you ever tried dating a Kenyan women when you are inbetween jobs? LIAR! They do not stay around that long!


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