Martin Kamotho aka Githeri man, who became a national sensation August 8, 2017 elections.
He was branded a hero and even honored by President Uhuru (HSC) in 2017. He was the man who was spotted queuing to vote dressed in a brown suit carrying githeri (a mixture of beans and maize) in a nylon paper to satisfy his hunger pangs.
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Bhangi Tupu! See The Funny Things Kenyans Are Doing To This Man Who Was Eating Githeri While Queuing To Vote
Githeri man’s photo went viral and even became a meme. He trended for days and top brands like Ngong Crescent, Big Square, Bonfire Adventures ‘blessed’ him with gifts and even vacations.
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But later on, it became a matter of great concern that he was always spotted inebriated to a point he needed rehabilitation and Kiambu Woman rep Gathoni Wa Muchomba with the help of the president took initiative and signed him up for rehab at Mama Care Rehabilitation Centre in Wangunyu Primary School, Kiambu County.
After a nine-month stay in rehab, president Uhuru again awarded him a certificate alongside other recovering alcoholics but a few weeks after that, Kamotho went back to his old ways.
Well, photos of Githeri Man totally drunk and laying on a trolley in the middle of a street have surfaced leaving Kenyans shocked. According to sources, Kamotho was found in Kayole, where he lives very drunk and could barely walk.
Check out the photos
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