More than 600 Boda Boda riders will be trained on road safety and traffic rules in Baringo County.
The exercise that will be rolled out courtesy of the county government has been necessitated by alarming cases of accidents that have claimed many lives and left thousands of operators and passengers with life-threatening injuries.
Motorbike accidents in Baringo County have been on the rise recently with the majority of these unfortunate incidences attributed to ignorance on the part of the riders who do not observe proper road safety measures.
Baringo Governor Stanley Kiptis disclosing that local hospitals have been forced to set up Boda Boda accident wing to particularly deal with those with extreme cases of injuries.
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He said that it has set aside 3 wards to admit victims of road accidents with Nakuru having the highest number of wards.
This has in turn been blamed on poor or lack of training, especially for Boda Boda operators.
The sad state of affairs has led to the intervention of the county government that will henceforth facilitate the training of motorbike riders.
The department of youth and gender affairs noted that hundreds of innocent lives have been lost through accidents that can be avoided if proper training is done.
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