A Kiserian based woman confessed to Maina Kageni how her man borrowed Ksh 3.5 million to make sure she had her dream wedding only to land in Kamiti for non-payment of the loan.
She also bragged on air that she has also moved on and the hubby can rot in jail for all she cares.
I married my ex in a church wedding.
UNknown to me he had a secret debt, that I did not know about.
He had taken a loan of Sh 3.5 million, yet our wedding was Sh700k.
I don’t know what happened to the rest of the money.
Unknown to her, the husband had defaulted on the loan. Luckily for her, everything he had bought had been written under her name.
So when auctioneers came for the family’s property she escaped narrowly but her husband did not.
I was at work my housemaid calls me to tell me that auctioneers are here and carrying away things.
I rushed home I convinced them the things were under my name.
He was arrested and is in Kamiti. I couldn’t help him coz he didn’t tell me what he did with the rest of the money.
The woman is not remorseful about her husband’s fate saying he deserves to rot in jail, and furthermore she has moved on with her life.
I was in such shock, let him stay there he brought this on himself.
I don’t know where the money went, I don’t visit him.
I have moved on with my life, men like showing off, where is the rest of the money? There is no way I can visit him in Kamiti.