Home Business Feedback: Experts give insights on crop and livestock issues

Feedback: Experts give insights on crop and livestock issues

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Small or big bulb onions? Here is How to get it right

Following complaints from farmers that large onions lack a market, what if I plant and avoid adding manure or fertiliser to minimise the size of the bulb. I would like to start farming the crop.

The size of the onion depends on the variety you have planted, and therefore you have to choose one that will not produce large bulbs.

You cannot avoid fertiliser or manure application to reduce the size of the bulbs. Make sure you apply the recommended fertiliser or manure rates.

A good example is the Jambar F1 variety, which produces large bulbs and has high yields but it has low market demand and fetches a lower price compared to the other varieties.


People, interestingly, don’t like big onions as they don’t want to use half and keep the other for the next cooking.

Varieties like Red Passion F1, Bombay Red and Red Pinnoy F1 have low yields, produce smaller bulbs but have a high market demand and fetch higher prices. Therefore, you can try the varieties which will not produce large bulbs.

Carol Mutua
Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University.

Where can I get giant bamboo seedlings and what is the price? I want to plant on two acres that is swampy. Lastly, what is the planting space?

Bamboo seedlings can be obtained from forest research stations or conservation centres. The stations produce tree seedlings in bulk and supply them at wholesale and retail prices.

he prices vary from one station to another, and therefore, for specific prices, contact the various sellers. You can reach the Kenya Forestry Research Institute (Kefri) on 0724289781 or [email protected]

In Eldoret, the nearest Kefri centre is in Turbo, which is supported by the Londiani institute. You can also seek assistance from Kefri Kakamega substation, a constituent of the Kisumu station based in Maseno.

Sillus Odour
Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University.

Mangoes and oranges seasons

I would like to inquire about trade in mangoes and oranges. Where can I purchase them cheaply and for how much? I would also like to know about the harvest season and where the market demand is high.

Mangoes and oranges have demand all year round and once you get a good market like institutions making juices, you are guaranteed of supplying at a constant rate throughout.

Mangoes are mostly grown in the arid and semi-arid areas of the country. Harvesting is usually done during the dry season, when they develop standard flavour.

The harvest time for oranges vary throughout the year, depending on the variety being grown. Varieties include Navel, Valencia, Cara cara, Clementine and Pineapple sweet. Harvesting starts from March to December and the prices also differ depending on market demand as well as the variety.

Kalro Katumani works with a number of farmers who produce the fruits. You can reach them on 02003503149. Oxfarm Kenya Ltd also produces and sell various fruits from their contracted farmers.

Sillus Odour
Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University.

I have tried to raise turkeys but all poults keep dying. What could be the problem?

Depending on the size of the farm, you may decide to let the turkey hens raise the young ones called poults or introduce a brooder.

A turkey poult brooder is just the same as the one for chicks. Keep them warm, dry and contained. Here you need feeders, waterers and a source of heat.

Wood shavings are good for the bedding. The brooder temperature should be 35-380C as you prepare to introduce the poults.

Check all poults for abnormalities before putting them in the brooder. Dip their beaks inside water so that they can know where to drink from.

After three weeks, you can introduce a roost. Their feeds should contain as high as 28 per cent protein for the first three months and 20 per cent protein thereafter.

Ensure they are at least eight weeks old before moving them to outdoor housing

Dennis Kigiri, Department of Animal Sciences, Egerton University.

I want to grow butternuts

What are the requirements when planting butternuts and can they do well in Juja to be specific?

Butternuts will do well in Juja, which is in Kiambu County. They do well in an area with well-drained and fertile soils.

The best temperature for growth is 23-29°C at daytime and 15-21°C at night. Seed germination occurs best at 15°C. Make sure you buy certified seeds.

The spacing is 90cm between rows and 45cm between plants. Butternuts are warm-season crops and require six hours of sunshine.

Prepare the land to a fine tilth and incorporate well-decomposed manure or compost at planting. A compound fertiliser NPK (15-15-15) may be used at the rate of 250-300kg/ha at planting depending on soil fertility.

Generally, apply 15-20kg N/ha CAN three weeks after planting. Top dress every 14-21 days. It is recommended to do soil and tissue analysis regularly.

In case of pests and diseases, seek expert advice on the control methods. Butternuts mature after 75-120 days, depending on the variety.

Carol Mutua
Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University.

I am interested in growing or propagating dandelion. Where do I begin? I’m in Nakuru town.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) grows on its own as a weed on cultivated land, therefore, you just have to identify it and when weeding, do not uproot thus you will end up with several plants from which you can harvest leaves.

Carol Mutua
Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University

Using coco peat to plant seedlings

I am Diana from Embakasi, Nairobi County. I wish to use coco peat and planting trays to avoid shock while transplanting. Kindly advise.

Planting trays are good for establishing seedlings because there is better root development and less damage during transplanting.

The seedlings grow uniformly and are healthy and there is reduced dumping off thus low seedlings mortality. Coco peat is extracted from dry coconut husks and as you know, coconuts grow on the Coast and the water is salty, therefore, it has a lot of sodium salts.

Before you use it, you will have to treat it first by soaking in water for 24 hours and during this time, you should also add calcium nitrate fertiliser to replace the sodium salts.

You should continue supplying fertiliser through fertigation (fertiliser mixed with irrigation water) after every three days.

Failure to treat coco peat can result in poor germination. Coco peat has a high water and nutrient retention capacity and is free from root diseases.

Therefore, the use of planting trays and coco peat will result in good seedling growth and reduced transplanting shock.

Carol Mutua
Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University.

I am interested in chicken farming, please advise?

As long as you have interest, you can excel in any farming. There are questions, though, that you need to ask yourself based on interest and market survey before you venture into chicken farming.

These are: Do I want to keep chicken for meat, eggs or dual purpose?

What kind of resources are at my disposal for the project?

Where can I sell my products?

What are my strengths, weaknesses and opportunities when venturing into the business?

Will I be making my own feeds or buying?

Do I have space for housing the required number of chickens and for expansion in future?

After this situation analysis, you can engage different experts in the poultry value chain as your business grows.

Dennis Kigiri,
Department of Animal Sciences, Egerton University.

I have huge market for eggs

I am Jessi and I wish to be linked to poultry farmers who can meet my high demand for eggs in Machakos County, where I run a bakery.

It is good that you are creating a market for poultry farmers. I will suggest that you advertise your demand online, like on social media, so that poultry farmers can communicate to you directly.

Dennis Kigiri,
Department of Animal Sciences, Egerton University.

Where can I sell rabbit urine?

I would like to know: Where is the best place to sell rabbits and their urine?

Rabbit production is beneficial because of the multiple products we get from them. They also offer healthier meat and have a short gestation period compared to other animals.

You can sell urine to farmers growing crops. Depending on where you are and your capacity, you can sell the rabbits to butcheries and supermarkets.

However, you need to make an effort to reach out to them and make sure you have enough quantity to facilitate consistency in supply.

Dennis Kigiri,
Department of Animal Sciences, Egerton University.

Medium-scale watermelon farming

I would like to get into medium-scale farming, growing crops like watermelons or yellow beans. I am yet to decide what to start with, please advise me.

Farming is an art of transforming uncultivated land into a marvel of healthy, growing crops that have the potential to give high quality and quantity yields. It is good thinking to venture into the most lucrative agricultural sector.

Homa Bay has favourable climatic conditions that are suitable for a wide range of food crops. The climate is also influenced by its proximity to Lake Victoria. However, before deciding what crops to grow, soil testing is the mandatory first step.

This gives an insight into the type of soil you have, its fertility status and the type and amount of fertiliser to apply to suit the crop being grown. That said, watermelons have great potential of doing well in Homa Bay.

They require constant water supply, especially during fruit germination, with heavy rainfall at least once a week.

Watermelons grow well in sandy loam soils with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.2 with slightly higher nitrogen supply.

This means you have to supply nitrogen through application of nitrogenous fertilisers like DAP or organic fertilisers like well-decomposed farmyard manure.

There are various varieties of watermelons, including Sugar Baby, Asali F1, Charleston Grey, Adaman 631 F1, Crimson Sweet and Sweet Melon Galia F1. Beans can also do well in your region. Being legumes, they can be intercropped with maize or sugar cane.

Sillus Oduor,
Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils; Egerton University.

I am based in Kisii and have some bamboo grass. I do not know the variety but the seedlings were obtained through the guidance of professional foresters. Help me get a market.

Bamboo farming is one of the rare but fast-growing agribusinesses in Kenya. The grass offers strong and durable products compared with wood.

Bamboo seedlings can be sold at Sh100 each, same as the stem. A good tree yields 40-60 tillers and can earn you from Sh4,000 to Sh6,000 per tree at a minimum.

You can also decide to make and sell bamboo products, including chairs, tables, TV stands, toothpicks, brushes, coat holders and spoons and sell them through social media platforms.

The stems can be sold to firms like Eco-green company, landscapers and garden centres.

Jayo Manyasi Tracyline,
Department of Crops Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University.

I need market for aloe vera

I’m a resident of Machakos and during my youth in the 1960s, malaria was prevalent and hence our parents used aloe vera extracts to treat it.

The recommended treatment was chloroquine tablets but they were very bitter to swallow. But away from malaria treatment, I understand aloe juice has other uses, and so I request you to link me with firms that could be interested in doing business with farmers in the region.

There are over 50 aloe species and not all are medicinal, in fact some are poisonous. Aloe vera has many uses.

You can add value by drying the leaves to make aloe powder or sell the leaves to companies that make juice, gel, soaps, lotions and shampoos.

There are many products that contain aloe and you can search for the firms online and inquire if you can sell to them.

Carol Mutua
Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University.

I am willing to venture into mushroom farming and need some tips on how to farm the crop and start.

In mushrooms, we plant spawns (seedlings) and you can buy them from Kalro or any other institution. The biggest challenge in mushroom production is getting quality spawns.

You will also need a room where you will plant the seedlings because they are not grown in the field. You will also need wheat, bean, millet or rice straws for preparation of compost on which the mushrooms will grow (substrate).

Compost is made by mixing the straw with molasses, cotton seed cake and urea. The straw should first be soaked in water and then mixed with other ingredients.

The substrate is then sterilised to avoid pests and diseases. After compost preparation, planting the spawns follows and this is done by mixing the compost with the spawns in sacks, which are then taken to the growing room.

The temperature around the bag should be maintained at 32°C. After about 10-14 days, the spawns start to emerge.

When they are visible as small white grains, add some soil, preferably from a forest, in the sacks. At this stage, humidity should be introduced by use of a humidifier or a knapsack sprayer.

Make sure you use clean water and spray the air and the floors of the growing room. Humidity is needed for the mushrooms to grow.

Depending on the days the spawns took to emerge, mushrooms are ready for harvesting after 10-14 days, which continues for one and a half months. Make sure that you observe high standards of hygiene.

Carol Mutua
Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University.

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