This is probably not what you’re expecting to read but bear with me for a minute. When was the last time you took number two? Today morning, last night or you can’t even remember?
Well, if it’s been a minute since you took a good book with you to the toilet for a session, you my friend, may be constipated.
Women particularly suffer from constipation due to various reasons and what is surprising is the fact that you may have one bowel movement a day and still be constipated.
Glad you asked.
If the consistency of your stool looks like small rocks, you feel like you haven’t completely emptied or you are straining or pushing the stool out, all these are major signs you need to do something.
And one of the best places you may want to start is check what you are eating.
Here are certain foods you may want to consider reducing on your diet and how to prevent constipation in its entirety.
Take a survey
In some people, the protein in cow milk may be a cause of their diarrhea and loose stool while for some it may lead to constipation especially in young children and toddlers.
To be sure that may be the reason behind your hard stool, you can eliminate milk for about 30 days then reintroduce it and see how your body reacts.
Alternatively, you can switch to soy or almond milk altogether.
ii.Red meat
Your stool needs fiber to bulk it up and move it through the system smoothly. Red meat however, does not have fiber and is loaded with fat and iron, two nutrients that are known to contribute to constipation.
So, the next time you’re about to grab a juicy burger think of the repercussions and throw in some leafy greens to counter the effects.
iii.Fast foods
Since they are high in fat and low in fiber, fried foods make it easier for your system to become backed up by slowing down digestion.
No matter how tasty those sticky wings are, they are cooked in very high temperatures using unhealthy oils.
When you make this diet a habit, the large amounts of salt they use reduces the water in your digestive system thus making it hard to move things down the digestive tract.
iv.Unripe bananas
If you are grappling with constipation, you may want to avoid unripe bananas and instead go for the fully ripe and yellow, do not eat it. When ready for eating (when ripe), bananas contain starch and soluble fiber which helps push the waste down the bowels making them a constipation reliver.
But when they’re unripe, the opposite is the case. They will clog you up.
v.White bread
Processed grains are another leading cause of constipation. You may want to go slow on anything made from white flour if you are feeling constipated. Since the germ and bran have been taken out, you end up consuming low amounts of fiber thus making you more likely to get constipated.
Focus more on whole grains instead.
How to prevent constipation
Cutting down on stress, and reducing alcohol and caffeine intake is the best place to start. You may also need to have a work out plan and have a healthy lifestyle that is reflected in your diet.
Add fruits, whole grains, vegetables, some legumes, seeds and nuts to your daily menu. Some herbal tea rich in fennel or anise may also help ease constipation.