The PlayStation Classic is adorable, obviously. Just look at that tiny little replica of the original PlayStation! There’s no way a full-sized CD could fit in that CD-ROM drive!
More importantly, though, the PlayStation Classic comes with 20 equally classic games — at least that’s the case for the first five Sony has announced.
Here’s what we know so far, and a few more that we expect will arrive with the PlayStation Classic on December 3:
Sony officially announced on Wednesday the first five of the 20 games that will come pre-loaded on the PlayStation Classic. They are as follows: 1. “Final Fantasy VII”
2. “Wild Arms”
3. “Tekken 3”
4. “Ridge Racer 4”
5. “Jumping Flash”
With just five of the 20 games revealed thus far, there’s a lot of room for wild speculation. So allow us to indulge a bit.
Everything after this point is purely speculation, but a lot of these games would make sense. After all, if “Resident Evil” and “Crash Bandicoot” aren’t on the PlayStation Classic, something has gone wrong.
That said, beware! This is not the definitive list of games coming to the PlayStation Classic! The only five Sony has announced thus far are above. Everything below this is unconfirmed!
“Resident Evil”
“Castlevania: Symphony of the Night”
“Crash Bandicoot”
“Spyro the Dragon”
“Metal Gear Solid”
“Ape Escape”
A “Tony Hawk Pro Skater” game, probably the first one.
A “Tomb Raider” game, probably the first one.
“Gran Turismo”
“Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee”
“Parasite Eve”
“Silent Hill”
“Chrono Cross”
“PaRappa the Rapper”
“Twisted Metal/Twisted Metal 2”
“Syphon Filter”
“Battle Arena Toshinden”