Home Entertainment African Center for Disease Prevention and Control to be built in Kenya – KBC

African Center for Disease Prevention and Control to be built in Kenya – KBC

by kenya-tribune
The Cabinet discussed and agreed to a request by the African Union and the World Health Organization for Kenya to host the African Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (Africa CDC).


Kenya will host the African Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (Africa CDC).

This follows a Cabinet meeting held Thursday,where it was discussed and agreed to a request by the African Union (AU) and the World Health Organization(WHO).

The Africa CDC will position Kenya as a regional and continental hub in medical research and disease control, and give the country a head start in combating disease outbreaks like the current Coronavirus pandemic.

As part of its support towards the establishment of the Africa CDC in Kenya, the Chinese Government has offered to put up a twenty-one storey office building at an estimated cost of Kshs 8.3 billion.

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Once complete, Africa CDC will provide job opportunities to Kenyans in technical, administrative and support functions.




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