The Real Housewives of Nairobi premiered on February 23 on Showmax to a wide audience that tuned in to see how the ‘it’ girls of Nairobi handle their business.
The show’s first episode was the most streamed episode of the Real Housewives franchise in Africa.
If Episode One is anything to go by, the girls are giving drama and glamour. The original five main ladies, Vera, Lisa, Minne, Susan and Sonal are showcasing that we can keep up with the South Africans.
In the sixth edition, Dr Maria proved she could not keep up with the drama after she made a quick exit after a misunderstanding between herself and Vera, which led her to pack up and head back to Romania where she resides. One thing that makes RHON have us glued to the screen is watching the girls getting to know each other.
The blows have not stopped coming after Minne and Marini Naturals CEO and owner Mitchelle Ntalami, who guest starred in Episode One, got into it about, well who knows? Vera predicted it could be one of two issues, “men or money”.
In every Real Housewives franchise there usually is one troublemaker and so far Minne wears that crown. She’s not scared to get down and dirty if she feels she has a point to prove.
The Real Housewives of Abuja also premiered at the same time as RHON and they brought something different to present to the world.
The ladies decided to showcase their class instead of drama, which honestly can be a little boring to watch as the international franchise is well known for its catfights.
Compared to its sister franchise Abuja, the ladies introduced us to bigger machines, as almost all the girls drive Rolls Royce and fly in private planes while the Nairobi girls showed up with their German cars, such as their Mercedes Benz and Porches.
However, when it comes to their homes and the sizes of their properties the Kenyan girlies are winning, their pads are more luxurious and more spacious compared to the Abuja ladies.
When it comes to entertainment the Nairobi girls are more lively and ready to have fun and show their unique personalities from the word go. They were quicker to make friends and loosen up at gatherings while the girls from Abuja were slow to warm up to each other.
They held back a lot more, one woman brought her mother to a party. They seem to have a way that they want to be portrayed while the ladies of Nairobi were just their raw uncensored selves.
However, the ladies of the Real Housewives of Durban take the cake. The Abuja franchise and the Nairobi franchise have a lot to learn when it comes to showcasing wealth, lifestyle and drama. They set the bar quite high. Their fast lifestyle and the level they are playing on are second to none, and when it comes to drama and entertainment they do it right.
In Episode One, Nonku a cast member makes it known that she and another cast member Ayanda have shared a man and Nonku even has a love child with her late husband. The ladies are far more controversial. They keep you so entertained that you can find yourself watching until 3am.
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