Anerlisa Muigai left fans in awe when she shared photos from her fiancé’s birthday dinner. The Keroche Heiress, who is engaged to Tanzanian star Ben Pol, wore a red, figure-hugging dress with plunging neckline to the celebrations. She accessorised the floor-length gown with her Sh1.1 million engagement ring, dangling earrings, a red lip and red nails.
But it was her cleavage-baring neckline that got fans’ tongues wagging.
“Ungevaa tu bra….. but you look gud..,” one fan wrote on her Instagram.
Another said, “Hizo nguo zina wenyewe…”
While yet another wrote, “Umependeza sana ila hayo maziwa ungevaa sidifia or ungeyafunika zaidi ya hapo.”
One fan came to her defence writing, “The day people will come to realise that this girl loves herself and she’s so confident about it basi mtanyamaza badala ya kila ara trying to put her down. She looks gorgeous however you may think, mara she did her tummy mara her weight loss journey is that what do you want people? For her to do her boobies to please you? Most of women’s boobies look like so unless you have them tu dots then you’ll be like ooh my boobies are so small…”
While we love Anerlisa’s outfit and obvious confidence, fashion experts recommend that such a deep neckline is more flattering on women with a smaller bust.
What do you think?
Photos: Instagram @anerlisa
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