Dell projects enhance cybersecurity risks in all sectors

Dell is projecting an increase in cyber threats worldwide as citizens, governments, and businesses become more dependent on digital connectivity.

Small businesses have been identified as more vulnerable as research shows 43pc of cyberattacks are directed towards their systems.

“The reality is that cybercrime is showing no signs of slowing down, posing risks across all aspects of society. In 2021, ransomware attacks were up 150pc and more than 80pc of experts say this growth is now threatening public safety,” said Michel Nader, Senior Regional Director Dell Technologies Africa, Middle East, Russia.

Latest data by the Communications Authority indicate that between January to March 2022 a total of 79.2 million cyber-attacks were reported which prompted the government to issue 28,848 advisories in a move to curb the rising attacks.

Agora Group Chief Executive Officer Hadi Maleb highlighted the growing cyber threats to online businesses as more than 90% of business owners are unaware that their enterprises are at risk.

“The reality is that cybercrime is showing no signs of slowing down, posing risks across all aspects of society. In 2021, ransomware attacks were up 150% and more than 80% of experts say this growth is now threatening public safety,” said Michel Nader -Senior Regional Director Dell Technologies Africa, Middle East, Russia.

In Kenya, small businesses face a 47pc increase in cyber-attacks in 2022, according to a report by Kaspersky.

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