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Don’t fear getting it wrong; learn from it – Kenyan Tribune
Home Entertainment Don’t fear getting it wrong; learn from it

Don’t fear getting it wrong; learn from it

by kenya-tribune

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Almost every married women has a long list of things her husband gets wrong in bed. But actually, most husbands have a similar list! Because women also make mistakes, and putting them right will definitely make you both happier.

One of the worst is neglecting your partner once you’ve started your family.

It’s understandable, of course, because children are so demanding. But once the kids are in bed, your husband still wants to see a hint of that lovely, wild girlfriend he fell in love with.

Another mistake’s sending confusing messages about what mood you’re in! Skilful couples develop a whole range of subtle signals that tell each other what’s on the agenda for the evening.

Like a coded phrase, or playing a special song to tell him exactly what you’re expecting.


Sticking strictly to the same old routine also reduces your enjoyment of each other. So if he suggests something you’ve never thought of before, give it a go! At least once.

It’s all to easy to take the bedroom too seriously. So rethink things, be adventurous and concentrate on having fun.

Rushing off to the bathroom anytime things have got a bit sweaty is another big turn off. Real life always has a few rough edges, so relax and enjoy the moment, no matter how high the temperature gets.

And if you like something your man’s doing in bed? Tell him you approve! But what if he’s doing something you don’t like? Keep quiet! Because telling him what feels nice means you’ll get more of it, while he’ll gradually stop doing the things you ignore.

And definitely no faking. Being strictly honest about what works for you is the best way to get what you want. That and asking for it! If you share your fantasies with your partner and figure out how to carry them out, then your life together will get a lot more interesting.

Take risks and be creative, because everything goes in the dark. And if something doesn’t work out? That’s OK. Just laugh about it. It’s also worth learning how to turn him on.

He’ll love you for it, and you’ll quickly find you’re enjoying his pleasure. And he’ll owe you one!

You have to be relaxed to feel turned on. So find ways to reduce stress together. Rethink your priorities in life, and let go of a few activities.

Because if you’re tired then you’re not going to have fun in bed. Which means rest, relaxing exercise and the right food are also part of the equation.

Above all, don’t expect him to be super successful every time. If he’s having an off night, it probably isn’t anything to do with you.

So don’t worry — or criticise. He’s most likely trying too hard, or has had a stressful day, or is too tired, or has had too much to drink. Just relax and do something else, and you’ll soon be back on track.

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