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How to keep the fire burning long after saying ‘I do’ – Kenyan Tribune
Home Entertainment How to keep the fire burning long after saying ‘I do’

How to keep the fire burning long after saying ‘I do’

by kenya-tribune
It takes two hearts that are willing to look at each other daily and say ‘I do’ daily (Shutterstock)

When you finally say ‘I do’, everything suddenly feels like it’s fallen into place. The feeling can be termed as ‘arriving’.

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However, for many, they begin feeling like the edges of their relationships are getting rusty from all the time they are now spending together without a spark.

Instead of capsizing the ship of your marriage, you can opt to float and enjoy each other’s company over the years. Here are a few tips on how you can keep the fire burning

Take each other for dates

Before marriage, date nights were a thing. You’d enjoy holding hands and walking around the parks, visiting new restaurants and going to the cinema.

All these days you’d dress up and meet made you feel alive and happy, thrilled to meet and learn more about your partner.

Long into the marriage when children seem to have taken centre stage, both of you should make it priority to have date nights. This reignites the spark as you’ll learn more about your partner.

Make it a habit of going out as often as possible. You can consider organizing childcare for the kids to make it work.

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Pursue a new passion together

One of the things that makes a relationship that’s stayed for long feel plain is the lack of newness or spice.

You can get your relationship tempo back up by deciding to pursue something new. Taking that risk and being open minded will make both of you see the world in a new light.

It may be some serious stuff like starting some safari rally driving class, or just doing Tiktok videos together or joining a band to pursue your music.

You don’t have to have a talent on the activities, only a high level of interest.

Being open minded will make both of you see the world differently (Shutterstock)

Reignite your sex life

Imagine being with someone for twenty years, having gone through the seasons of life together. The sex life, if not taken into consideration, will be something that both of you nearly forget exists.

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Sex is a binder and makes relationships feel fresh and beautiful.

Reignite things in the bedroom by being super creative.

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Communicate with your partner about your intentions of getting things better in your sex life and enjoy the ride together.

Attend some counseling sessions

The longer a relationship lasts, the more issues are there to deal with.

Being open to the idea of counseling is important as a step to getting the ball rolling again.

You’ll want to go for counseling sessions which will help you deal with some of your trivial or big issues. These sessions will help both of you be more confident in your relationship.

Attending counselling sessions is a sure way of helping each other renew the commitment of your relationship.

It takes two hearts that are willing to look at each other daily and say ‘I do’ daily. Make your relationship your priority today and notice the difference it will bring.

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