Home Entertainment How to stop self-sabotaging your success

How to stop self-sabotaging your success

by kenya-tribune
You could be the one hindering yourself from achieving your goals by rendering yourself paralyzed to act upon your goals (Shutterstock)

Everyone has dreams they want to see become a reality. Whereas your bucket may be full of a list of things you want to achieve, one of the reasons that could be hindering you is your own self. Sabotaging your own success comes about when you render yourself paralyzed to act upon your goals. It can be through constant entertainment of fear, negative self-talk and living a life of doubt. All these make you act in a negative vector towards reaching your goal. This are tips on how to stop the cycle.

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Know the root cause

You need to understand the reason behind your constant tread down the self-doubt drain. Could it be your failure-filled past or a statement that cut through to you so deep? Write down the thoughts that come to your mind which freeze your tracks. Once you find out what is pulling you back, you can be more aware and start ignoring the effect it tries to have on you.

Avoid negative self-talk

‘I can’t’, ‘I never will’, are far too common statements that we cloud our judgment with. Negative self-talk renders us incapable of acting towards our goals as we create our own enemies of progress. Keep off negative self-talk while replacing it with positive affirmation. Tell yourself, ‘I am worthy’, ‘I can do this’, ‘I am not an idiot’, and notice your life transform.

Remember regrets are worse than failures

Fulton Oursler said, “Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves- the regret of the past and fear of the future’’. What tends to sabotage our inner self can be trashed if you remember that you only live once. Though a millennial attitude, it should prompt you to start believing in yourself and fight for what you believe in. Failing is part of a learning curve, all which teaches you more than if you did not try.

Understand the reason behind your constant tread down the self-doubt drain (Shutterstock)

Consult your inner self

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How do you end up feeling when you get stuck at kick starting your dream? It feels terrible for anyone as they wallow in self-pity and sulk all day. You need to be in tune with your inner self. Define what exactly brings you joy and chase it. Whether it is quitting a job to follow a passion, or applying for an advanced position, ask yourself the real questions. Stop taking yourself for a ride and walk confidently.

Surround yourself with content that boosts your esteem

Our external environment influences a lot of how we regard ourselves. Pump yourself up with a support group that motivates you and read content that encourages you. All this will build up your self-worth knowledge even in the times you don’t see it. Avoid social media as that only makes you envious and degraded.

Change your world view

Changing your perspective can give you a clearer picture of how to tackle a certain challenge. Instead of thinking you cannot, try thinking on what would change if you could. Adjusting your life’s lens assures you of more clarity in life.

Stop procrastinating

You are only able to attain your goals when you stop pushing your dreams under the rug every time they come knocking in your head. Doing it today, even if it scares you will keep you from being your own killer. To top this up, set achievable, measurable goals and stick by them. Use a visual board to help with this.

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Avoid comparing yourself to others

You may be getting influenced into thinking you are not good enough based on another person’s achievement. Take pride in understanding that you have an independent path that you should follow. Everyone is gifted differently and should treat themselves as unique persons.

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Self-sabotage can make you lose out on so much that otherwise would be something so impactful. Get confident and shake off your fears to unlock the next level of your potential. It is all within you.

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