Churchill Show comedian Zeddy has opened up about losing her stillborn baby as she seeks psychological support for other women who have lost their unborn babies.
Taking to social media, Zeddy revealed that she was pregnant with her second child when the stillbirth occurred.
“Story yangu nikua na ball ya second born nikafikisha 9 months vizuri bt after kujifungua mtoto hakulia. Tayari alikua amefariki?nilishindwa kulia wala kuongea yaani sikujua cha kufanya after hiyo miezi yote uchungu mwingi natoka hossy bure,” Zeddy recalled.
“So after kupoteza mtoto unawekwa ward moja na mama na watoto wao…sema stress, kila mmoja ananyonyesha wewe uko solo?. Mmoja akitaka kwenda choo anaita mwingine amuangalilie mtoto yaani wana kuavoid kama ukoma juu wanaona kama utaiba mtoto,” she added.
The mother of three said she fell into depression and stayed indoors for 3 months without talking to anyone. In fact, she says she almost her life as she hinted at committing suicide after falling into depression.
“My friends..nilijifungia kwa nyumba 3 good months bila kuongea na mtu. Ni dawa za kichwa tu nakunywa juu ukifikiria kutoka nje kidogo mtu anapita ‘sasa Mama Shamim mgeni alikuja?’ naanza kulia tena, nikakaa kwa nyumba watu wangu!!Sikua na mtu wakuongea naye nilitamani kujiuwa aki lakini rafiki yangu mmoja Mwenyezi Mungu amurehemu akaanza kunitembelea tunaongea hadi nikajikubali,” she wrote on Facebook.
In a subsequent post, Zeddy said, “I almost lost my life at some point but up to this point I am still struggling to heal but I have been able to overcome to pain to a great extent.”
“Unfortunately, counseling is not always available to help these women accept reality and move on, so they end up getting stuck in their grief zone for life. I am speaking about this because I have found some way we can exploit and get help in closing the doors of pain as we look forward to healing completely.”
“If you are such a mother or you know somebody who have lost a child, please let us communicate and find each other for us to restore our lives and our dignity,” she added.