ODM leader Raila Odinga’s wife Ida is engaged in property fight with her daughter-in-law, Lwam Getachew Bekele, the widow of Odinga’s son, Fidel.
Ida is opposed to Beke managing a multi-million estate that was left behind by Fidel.
The estate in question include a Karen residence, three parcels of land, two Range Rovers, a Nissan Sunny and a Mercedes Benz, and seven bank accounts.
Ida and daughter Rosemary moved to court to challenge Bekele’s application in court.
They argue in court papers, Bekele’s move left out other parties interested in Fidel’s estate.
Ida claims that Fidel had another lover, who he sired twins with.
She wants the twins to be listed as dependants on late Fidel’s property.
Ida noted that Bekele had cut communication with the Odinga’s after she fled her matrimonial home in Tipuana Park in Karen, Nairobi immediately after the deceased was buried.
Bekele, who only had one child with the deceased, has rubbished Ida claims terming them as false.
She further argues that the said twins were born six months after Fidel’s death and their birth certificates don’t bear the deceased’s name.
The case will be mentioned on Wednesday, October 16.