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‘Identify great mentors in the field and learn from them’ – Kenyan Tribune
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‘Identify great mentors in the field and learn from them’

by kenya-tribune

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Anthony Muiyuro is a cyber security specialist and the Senior Manager, Cyber Security Resilience at EY. He has accumulated more than 10 years of experience in computer security.

Why did you join this field?

I have always been fascinated by how technology can solve even the most complex problems. However, I also know that there are many risks associated with the use of technological devices that need to be mitigated. I entered this amazing field of cyber security because I was eager to make our engagements with computer systems and networks safer. Out of curiosity, I started reading widely on this subject, and this fuelled my interest and passion in cyber security.

What does your job entail?

I head the cybersecurity practice at my organisation, and serve various clients across East Africa. I offer consultancy services to various businesses, and oversee many projects. I regularly conduct security assessments where I spend time reviewing my clients’ IT systems, and guide them on how to detect, prevent and protect their business from cyber attacks. I also do a lot of research and lead an incredible team of cybersecurity experts. This field is highly dynamic and I love it.

What challenges do you often face in your profession?


One of the biggest challenges is keeping up with the ever present and fast evolving nature of cyber threats. I constantly try to change my approach so that I outsmart any potential attackers. Many do not understand the importance of putting in place effecting cybersecurity measures until they become victims. For this reason, I always strive to make my clients aware of the dangers they expose themselves to in a manner that can be easily understood, even by those who are not too knowledgeable in tech matters.

You’ve worked for many organisations. What have you learnt from your experience?

I like to get out of my comfort zone and challenge myself. I could do this within the same organisation, rising up the ranks and finding internal opportunities that fit my professional ambitions, or in different organisations to gain more skills, exposure and growth. The choice on whether to move from one organisation to another, or to stay in one place, should be dependent on the opportunities available and an individual’s career goals. I opted to work for different organisations to build my career, and I do not regret this choice because I have grown in my career. Because I dared to explore new grounds, I learnt to be open minded and to spot opportunities for further growth.

What sacrifices have helped you get here?

I focused on my goals, and then identified the actions I needed to take to achieve them. I had to work really hard to develop my skills, by taking up the right training opportunities. There is a wealth of knowledge to be found on the internet. Also, I dedicated long hours to studying, practicing and asking my mentors relevant questions.

What do you love most about your job?

I encounter different kinds of clients while working with an amazing team. Cybersecurity is very exciting, but quite challenging too. I learn something new every day, and I am constantly being called to grow and think outside the box.

If you had an extra hour in your day, how would you spend it?

My work days are usually very busy, and I constantly find myself working long hours. However, I always strive to make time for my family. Being present in my daughter’s life is my top priority. If I had any extra time, I would spend it with my family and be the father figure my daughter needs.

What’s the one thing you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time?

I’ve always wanted to learn how to play a music instrument, but I’ve been unable to do so because of my busy schedule. This year, I plan to take piano lessons to fulfil my desire.

Your advice to aspiring cyber security experts?

Passion will keep you going, so be passionate about cyber security if you want to pursue it. Also, you should be hungry for knowledge and relentless in pursuing your career goals. Identify great mentors in the field and learn from them. Ask the right questions and never settle for no as an answer.

What are your other interests   besides cyber security?

I enjoy reading, spending time with family and friends, and travelling. Additionally, I am also very passionate about changing the lives of those in my community. In fact I recently became a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Community.

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