Home General Kenya: Murder Trial of Catholic Priest Moves to Embu

Kenya: Murder Trial of Catholic Priest Moves to Embu

by kenya-tribune

Three suspects arrested over the heinous killing of Catholic priest Michael Kyengo will be tried at the Embu High Court, a magistrate has directed.

Senior Resident Magistrate Paul Mayova ordered the transfer of the case to Embu since the offence was committed within the jurisdiction.

The priest disappeared from Thatha Parish in Machakos on October 8, 2019 only to be found dead in the mysterious murder that has left many Kenyans in shock.

His body was discovered on October 15, 2019, almost a week after he had been kidnapped from his Thatha Parish by gunmen.

The abductors slit the deceased’s throat and cut his body before burying him in a shallow grave on a riverbed in Embu County.

The men then daringly drove his vehicle up to Malindi and back to Nairobi, according to the police.

Magistrate Mayova directed that the trio –Michael Mutunga, Mwangangi Kavivya and Solomon Mutava– be presented at the Embu High Court on November 11 to take plea.

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