Kenya has been cited as one of the most dangerous countries for journalists to work in.
According to the latest report by the Media Council of Kenya, journalists are routinely subjected to physical attacks, threats and intimidation while in line of duty.
The Media Council of Kenya Chief Executive Officer David Omwoyo cited security forces, politicians and their supporters as the main threat and adversaries to the local media.
According to the 2019 world press freedom index by Reporters, Without Borders, Kenya, is ranked 100 out of 180 countries with the poorest media freedom.
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To this end, the Media Council of Kenya says that this depicted on the ground with recorded cases of harassment of journalists and in many cases, their equipment destroyed while on duty.
David Omwoyo while releasing the 2019 Status of Media in Kenya report said that there was still very little support and goodwill from the state in protecting the scribes from such extreme cases.
The report further categorized social media as the main source of fake news followed by Radio then Television at 36, 28 and 20 per cent respectively.
The radio according to the report was the main source of news to the majority of Kenyans followed by television.
And for those who watch TV, the majority of them at 52 per cent are attracted by news compared to other programmes.
The status of media in Kenya report release coincides with the World Press Freedom Day celebrated every 3rd of May.
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