Kenya recorded 42 new Covid-19 cases on Monday from a sample size of 1,564 tested in the last 24 hours.
The country’s positivity rate is at 2.7%.
The total number of confirmed cases in Kenya now stands at 337,339 from a cumulative test of 3,810,640 conducted since March.
Of the new cases, 37 are Kenyans while five are foreigners with 24 being male while 18 females were confirmed to have contracted the virus.
The youngest is a six-year-old while the oldest is 95 years.
133 patients have recovered from the disease, 130 from the Home Based and Isolation Care Program while 3 are from various health facilities countrywide. This pushes the total recoveries to 330,910 of whom 277,379 are from the Home-Based Care and Isolation program, while 53,531 are from various health facilities countrywide.
No patient has succumbed to the disease therefore the cumulative fatalities remain 5,670.
According to Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe, 51 patients currently admitted in our health facilities, while 708 are under the Home-Based Isolation and Care program.
No patient is in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU. Another 11 are in the General Wards and are all on supplemental oxygen. No patient is in the High Dependency Unit (HDU).
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