Home General Kenyan Riot Police Use Tear Gas to Clear Crowded Market

Kenyan Riot Police Use Tear Gas to Clear Crowded Market

by kenya-tribune

Riot police in Kisumu, Kenya, fired tear gas into a crowded market Wednesday, in an attempt to clear it in accordance with government rules to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Police vehicles entered the market area with sirens blaring and armed security officers in full riot gear began firing tear gas grenades in the market stalls, sending people scattering.

Angry customers and traders at the market told reporters that they recognize the threat of the coronavirus, but said many Kenyans are poor and need to work and get food.

They said if the government wants them to stay isolated at home, they need to provide them with funds to do so.

The Kenyan government issued orders last weekend to close all open markets and bus parking lots where crowds of people gather.

Kenya had recorded a total of 25 COVID-19 cases as of Wednesday.

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