Home General Kisii resident wants entire County Public Service Board sacked » Capital News

Kisii resident wants entire County Public Service Board sacked » Capital News

by kenya-tribune

KISII, Kenya, Apr 13 – A resident has petitioned Kisii County assembly labor committee to sack the entire public board over ghost workers.

A resident of Kisii County has petitioned the Kisii County Public service board in the Kisii assembly labor committee over the declaration of ghost workers leading to a bloated county wage bill.

Benson Atika the petitioner wants the entire public service Board led by Nancy Nyarangi (Chairperson), Jackson Ondiba, Mogusu Momanyi,John Machuka and Judy Omae be investigated and sent home for the serious crimes they committed in violation of the Constitution of Kenya including chapter six of the constitution.

The Petitioner said, the five-bench board had gross misconduct in the performance of their duties while carrying out the functions of their office.

Board members deliberately circumvented the law on recruitment and engaging, converting casual employees to contract and permanent and pensionable and also promoting employees without properly laid down laws and regulations.

The chair of the board illegally accepted appointment pending her renewable contract in office.

Counsel Nyamweya Mogusu while defending his client objected to the issues raised by the petitioner saying the petition had not proved the source or authentication of documents.

“The petitioner should prove to this court who is the source of the documents and its authenticity,” Said Nyamweya.

Wilkins Ochoki argued, the Petitioner should attach the evidence in line with the evidence act while Gichana said the documents attached in the petition were not certified.

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Senior counsel Paul Nyamodi and Sagana Roger representing the petitioner argued, the documents attached in the petition are totally relevant to the allegations raised by their client.

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