Shock and grief has engulfed Naitore village in Kabage village of Laikipia West after a man killed his 12 years old step son by hanging him on a tree before he hanged himself on the same tree.
According to Rumuruti police station officers, the 42 year old man identified as Joseph Mwangi commited the offence on Friday evening, after having a quarrel with his wife accusing her of infidelity.
He hanged the grade four boy at Mwireri Primary school on the tree and there after hanged himself on the same tree.
Confirming the incident, Laikipia County Police Commander John Nyoike said the neighbors reported the incident and Upon police reaching the scene, they found the bodies of the two hanging on the same tree.
“We recovered a phone, two manilla papers, suicide note, a 20 litters jerrican which is suspected that the man used to climb the tree to commit the heinous act” said Laikipia County Police Commander John Nyoike.
Nyoike said that upon perusing the phone chats, the man had been accusing the wife of infidelity and had directed her to pick the suicide note at the woofer on top of cupboard.
“It seemed that they had a beef with the wife according to the phone call chats. We are still investigating the matter” he said.
The bodies have since been moved to Sipili Funeral Home.
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