Home General MKU licensed to offer diploma in law

MKU licensed to offer diploma in law

by kenya-tribune



Mount Kenya University has received a license to train Diploma in Law Programme at its Law Campus in Parklands following successful inspection by Council of Legal Education professionals on 25th October 2018.

Council of Legal Education has licensed Mount Kenya University School of Law as a Legal Education Provider pursuant to the provisions of Legal Education Act and the relevant regulations.

According to MKU Vice Chancellor Prof. Stanley Waudo, the University has been teaching Bachelor degree programme only.

This is a major achievement which comes months after the School of Law celebrated full accreditation which saw it transform into MKU Law Campus, Parklands. Meanwhile,

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HR players in race to comply with new law

A third of all human resource practitioners could beginning next year lose their legal power to practice if government enforces a new law passed in 2013.

The CHRP (K) certification is a compliance requirement for those working in or aspiring to get into the HR field

MKU is also accredited by HRM Professionals Examination Board (HRMPEB) as training and exam center for the Certified HR Professional (CHRP).




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