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Role of self-identity and self-esteem in teenage pregnancy – Kenyan Tribune
Home Entertainment Role of self-identity and self-esteem in teenage pregnancy

Role of self-identity and self-esteem in teenage pregnancy

by kenya-tribune

ALSO READ: Painful but valuable: Lessons from my teenage pregnancy

According to Allan Kimani, a counselling psychologist, low esteem and lack of a strong sense of self-identity plays a big role in teenage pregnancy.

“The truth is, there is a need for coaching when it comes to parenting; a lot of parents don’t know how to talk to their children on matters that touch on emotions and sex. Perhaps what is sadder is that many parents would not accept to be coached on parenting because they feel that they know all there is to know about raising their child,” he says.

He adds that it is paramount that parents intentionally talk to their children about relations with person of the opposite sex.

“Otherwise, children will still explore with little to no knowledge of what they are getting themselves into. This conversation is meant to start from a tender age and mature as the children grow, then it will not be awkward when they are in their teens and feel like they know all there is to know about life,” he says.

Kimani says that being a responsible parent goes beyond providing basic needs.

“The same way we take children for training when it comes to careers is the same way we should give weight in training our children on emotional management and how to navigate through what they feel… and yes, that includes sexual feelings,” he says.

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He adds that threatening a child with phrases like, “If you get pregnant you will have to go and live with whoever impregnated you,” does not solve the issue.

“The child remains with so many unanswered questions that they might not even approach you about,” he says.

Kimani adds that parents should not be so caught up in fighting their own emotional battles that they forget that there is no excuse one can give for not raising a holistic child.

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