A section of striking nurses of the Kenya National Union of Nurses and Kenya Union of Clinical officers today took their demos to the door steps of Governor Mike Sonko at Cityhall where they demanded their letters of promotion.
At City hall the group was addressed by acting health CEC Veska Kangogo who at some point clashed with them after directing them to resume duties immediately.
According to Veska about 1,500 letters are ready and that about 2,153 medical staffs have been promoted.
“We have already spoken to your leaders let’s agree that by Friday each one of you would have received letters of promotion but we want you to resume your duties immediately…” Veska said.
Meanwhile in Pumwani the administration is taking roll call and those who are on strike will face disciplinary actions.
This is according to Geoffrey Mosiria who is the facility administrator.
“We are taking roll calls and those shall not be available from today will be treated as absentees …we shall then take the names to chief officer ministry health for proper disciplinary action. ” He said.