Tanasha Donna and her baby daddy Diamond Platnumz recently welcomed their firstborn.
He was unveiled on his dad’s 30th birthday whoch was yesterday.
1- Proper sleep
Being a new mum and first-time mum for that matter can be tasking and one of the things Tanasha should expect is lack of proper sleep.
Her son is still young and they are learning to create a routine for him.
2- Pekejeng
Pekejeng is no way for a few months after delivery. That is something Tanasha will have to bear living without.
After all, she will be too preoccupied with the baby to even think about such matters.
3- Road trips/trips abroad
Traveling with a newborn is hard as it is regardless of what means of transport you are using.
She might have a house manager, friends and relatives helping with the baby but traveling with a newborn is still hard.
All she can do for now is watch travel diaries on Viu Sasa.
4- Privacy
We all know that privacy is something of the past when a baby comes in.
A baby will want to be breastfed at any point and you can not deny them that so Tanasha has to deal with aibu ndogo ndogo every once in a while of unleashing her breasts to feed baby Simba.
Two Tanasha is well known by the public and she will be constantly scrutinized.