Three people from Mandera County have been quarantined in Isiolo.
The three were smoked out from a lodging they had booked and taken into mandatory quarantine at Isiolo Girls Secondary School.
Isiolo County Commissioner Herman Shambi said the move was based on information provided by members of the public about the new entrants.
The County’s Covid-19 Response committee that is co-chaired by the Governor and the County Commissioner ordered the immediate closure of all routes linking Isiolo to the Northern Kenya Counties of Garissa, Wajir and Mandera.
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Meanwhile, Narok County Government has kicked off mass screening of residents at its border points in Kilgoris, Suswa, Mau Narok, Nyangusho and Kihanja.
Narok Public Health Chief Officer Geoffrey Sang says health anyone found with COVID-19 related symptoms will be denied to access the region.
Narok borders Nyamira, Kisii, Bomet, Nakuru, Kajiado and Migori counties.
It is one of the regions that has not confirmed a single Covid-19 case and authorities are taking precautions to prevent an outbreak.
At the border points, health officers patiently screen commuters travelling into and through the region.
Public Health Chief Officer Geoffrey Sang says health officials in the region will not relent in enforcing government directives on how to combating the spread of Covid-19.
Police in the area have also warned those contravening prevention guidelines of dire consequences.
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