Home General Three Standard Group journalists attacked on duty, vehicle burnt : The Standard

Three Standard Group journalists attacked on duty, vehicle burnt : The Standard

by kenya-tribune
Three Standard Group journalists attacked on duty, vehicle burnt : The Standard
Standard Group’s Cameraman Boniface Magana attacked while on duty

Three Standard Group journalists have been violently attacked at St Stephen’s Girls Secondary School in Machakos.

The three, Carolyne Bii (KTN News reporter), Boniface Magana (Cameraman) and Immaculate Joseph (a driver) were on an assignment when they were attacked.  
The journalists allege that the school Principal Mr. Charles Kioko incited the students to attack the journalists. 

St Stephen’s Girls Secondary School Principal Charles Kioko (in black suit) who allegedly incited students to attack.

They were in the premises following up on a story of a missing person. Reports reaching Standard Digital desk say that the principal declined to be interviewed on allegations of a missing student from the school.
A vehicle they were using as means of transport to the institution was also burnt down in the melee. 

Standard Group’s vehicle razed by students of St.Stephen’s Girls Secondary School in Machakos County.

The Media Council of Kenya has issued a statement condemning the attack saying, “While it is within the right of the school leadership to decline media interviews, it is against the law for anyone to incite and attack journalists while in their line of duty.”
MCK through its chairman David Omwoyo has urged police to speed up investigations into the incident and bring the culprits to book.
Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua has also condemned the incident via his twitter page: “I do not condone violence as an expression of anger or for any other reason. We need a country that practices peaceful ways of solving issues,” he said.
The school is located a kilometer from Maanzoni Lodge.

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Journalists attackedCarolyne BiiBoniface MaganaImmaculate JosephMCK

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