Felix Orinda aka DJ Evolve, who was shot in the neck by Babu Owino on Friday at Kilimani’s B Club entertainment joint is out of danger. He underwent successful surgery last night at the Nairobi hospital and he’s still at the medical institution.
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Bernard Kioko, a close friend to the disc jockey took to Twitter to share updates on his current situation, calling for prayers.
DJ Evolve is successfully out of theatre and doing well under the circumstances. Keep praying for quick recovery. #justicefordjevolve.
Popular disc jockey DJ Joe Mfalme has wished his fellow deejay a quick recovery.
Nobody should ever be put in a position to fight for their life because someone is trigger happy… Wishing DJ EVOLVE A quick recovery… Justice delayed is Justice denied,’ he tweeted.
Nairobi woman representative Esther Passaris wrote,
My thoughts tonight are with Felix Orinda, also known as DJ Evolve, and his family. I pray the surgery is successful and that he makes a full recovery.
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Babu Owino’s lawyer Cliff Ombeta while addressing the media on Friday, said his client was provoked.
He was approached in a non-friendly manner by someone he considered a friend and a physical fight ensued.