Kenyan boy band Sauti Sol have a new manager from South Africa who will be handling their brand after parting ways their former mzungu manager Marek Fuchs.
Fuchs has managed them for almost a decade now and the band has done so well but Sauti sol believes it’s time to grow even bigger.
“It is only that we have also grown because we now have Sol Generation, but we will still be working with him, although he will not be managing our day-to-day work anymore. We are currently managed by a South African manager,” Said Bien.
Good terms
Bien further added that Marek will have been a good manager to them and going for a new management team was tough on them but there was no hard feeling.
“After we signed a new record deal, it came with new rules, which is why Marek is currently not our manager.
Adding: “He is a hardworking person and we will still have him as a brother. Life is about growth and so we have to keep growing.”
in News
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