Harmonize might be facing some serious charges.
The Tanzanian government through its Dar Es Salaam Regional commissioner Paul Makonda is seeking to investigate Harmonize ,after a few videos of him smoking what they suspect is marijuana has caused concern.
Should investigations prove that he has been smoking marijuana, which is illegal in Tanzanian law, then he will be arrested immediately.
i have seen one guy in Ghana and the smoke he is exhaling looks like he is smoking weed. i have spoken to the Ghanain governor to help me investigate harmonize if he is smoking weed or a cigaret. if at all it is weed, immediately he steps in tanzania he is going to prison. we can not try to kill drug abuse in Kenya and you are enjoying it. jail will be a lesson to him and other Tanzanians.
We just hope Harmonize has been enjoying some cigars because he is not ready for the wrath that is waiting for him upon his landing back home.
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