A word that conjures nasty memories for those among us who had to endure it growing up. And boy I tell you, kids can be so cruel.
How being supposedly so innocent can come up with games mocking their more rotund, fat, chubby friends is beyond me.
And for some, those “innocent” childhood games left indelible scars that have lasted well into adulthood.
While some take control of their narrative, others gravitate towards idealistic philosophies and personal mantras like “body positivity”. The concept behind it seems noble enough but when scrutinized fails to hold up to logic.
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You see, while it is well and good to maintain a positive outlook about your body, you also have to take control of your health and realize that sometimes, these mantras are every bit as toxic as the bullying you went through as a child.
Think about it, while it is perfectly alright for you to love yourself, it is cognitive dissonance that informs the thought that though you are fat and obese (for example) and you love yourself given the knowledge that being overweight comes with a plethora of health issues.
Normally I would use celebrities images to drive my point home but I doubt they would want to be associated with this particular thought-provoking read.
Well, all except for two, Big Ted and Kalekye Mumo. Their brand of body positivity I can get behind.
I am not a psychiatrist nor am I a psychologist, I am merely a casual observer who has way too much time on his hands and an internet connection at home so I spend my free time reading about boring topics like philosophy and psychology.
And it was through my reading of these subject matters that I came to my current perspective of body positivity.
How can one love that which keeps them sick and puts them at risk of developing both mental health and lifestyle diseases? And don’t get me wrong, I am talking to the overweight reader as well as the thin-as-a-twig reader.
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And the most common excuse proffered is “I have a condition”. Well, if indeed you’ve been to see a specialist and have ascertained you have a problem, more power to you and I hope you are managing your condition.
If it is merely an excuse for laziness, however, and that takes no small measure of courage to admit, then do something about it.
Love yourself enough to keep yourself healthy. Have a positive enough body image to be open about what needs improving and what doesn’t.
“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”